# ThePlaceHolders "UTSA Place" Collaborate website canvas that allows students to place a pixel within a restricted amount of time to make art. ## How to run 1. Install [Go](https://go.dev/dl/) 2. Run the command `go run .` inside this folder 3. View the website at []( ## Go project structure * [go.mod](go.mod) Go version and library dependencies * [go.sum](go.sum) Checksums for libraries ## Backend Source Our back-end is written in [Go](https://go.dev/) using the standard library. * [Request handling](server.go) * [User registration/login](users.go) ## Frontend Source Our front-end is written in vanilla JavaScript, using the [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) CSS framework. * [Main page](static/index.html) * [Login page](static/login.html) * [Registration page](static/register.html) hello