98 lines
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98 lines
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<h1> Fractal Explorer <GithubIcon href="https://github.com/Xterminate1818/rowdyhacks-2023"/> </h1>
<h2> Parallel Algorithms - Optimization - Hackathon Finalist </h2>
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<h2 class="distinct"> Motivation </h2>
In March of 2023 I attended RowdyHacks 8, my first hackathon. I was
in the middle of my Calculus II class, which I was enjoying a lot. With
Math at the front of my mind, I decided to write a program to visualize
the Mandelbrot Fractal. I had written a similar program in Snap, a visual
block-based programming language, so I was confident I could achieve results
within the 24 hour time limit. I wanted to specifically optimize the program
for speed without using GPU acceleration, because the laptop I was using did
not have one.
<h2 class="distinct"> Approach </h2>
The premise behind the Mandelbrot Fractal is to take a complex number, and
insert it into a recursive function. If the function does not diverge to
infinity, then that number is part of the Mandelbrot Set, and it gets plotted
on the screen.
Calculating the Mandelbrot Set is deceptively simple. The hard part is doing so
with a very large degree of precision, and repeating the calculations millions of
times (prefferably in parallel.)
<@code lang="rust">
// Snippet from my initial naive algorithm
// This will produce the value of one pixel on the screen
pub fn fractal(val: Complex, max_iterations: usize) -> usize {
let mut iterations = 0;
let mut last = Complex::new(0.0, 0.0);
let mut squared = Complex::new(0.0, 0.0);
// Values exceeding 4 usually diverge. If the number
// does not diverge after `max_iterations`, it probably
// never will.
while squared.re + squared.im <= 4.0 &&
iterations < max_iterations {
let im = 2.0 * last.re * last.im + val.im;
let re = squared.re - squared.im + val.re;
last = Complex { re, im };
squared.re = re.powi(2);
squared.im = im.powi(2);
iterations += 1;
While researching the Mandelbrot set, I found a faster solution called the derivative
bail algorithm. This algorithm considers the first derivative of the function rather
than the functions value itself, which is more accurate and performant most of the time.
<@code lang="rust">
// Snippet from my derivative bail implementation
pub fn get_dbail(val: Complex, max_dvt: f64, max_iter: usize) -> usize {
let max_dvt = max_dvt.powi(2);
let mut it = 0;
let mut last = Complex::new(0.0, 0.0);
let mut squared = Complex::new(0.0, 0.0);
let mut deriv = Complex::new(0.0, 0.0);
while squared.re + squared.im <= 4.0
&& deriv.re.powi(2) + deriv.im.powi(2) <= max_dvt
&& it <= max_iter
deriv.re = 2.0 * (deriv.re * val.re - deriv.im * val.im);
deriv.im = 2.0 * (deriv.re * val.im + deriv.im * val.re);
let im = 2.0 * last.re * last.im + val.im;
let re = squared.re - squared.im + val.re;
last = Complex { re, im };
squared.re = re.powi(2);
squared.im = im.powi(2);
it += 1;
Deciding whether a number does or does not fall into the set is more of a heuristic
than an analytic process. A good algorithm balances accuracy with efficiency. The
most glaring limitation of any calculation is the precision of the floating point
numbers used, especially when zooming in to the fractal. I deliberated the pros and
cons of using a floating point library with very high, or even arbitrary precision.
After extensive benchmarking, I was unable to get any of these to be efficient enough.
<h2 class="distinct"> Multi-Threading </h2>
In order to display the fractal, I needed an array of pixel data I could push to the
screen. The X and Y coordinates represent real and imaginary components respectively.
This means I need to run the function for every pixel on the screen. The Mandelbrot
Fractal is an obvious candidate for multi-threading, because the result of every
calculation is independent, and there are many calculations that need to be done.
I achieve this by breaking the pixel buffer into N partitions, and spawning a thread
to handle each (where N can be changed at runtime). This allowed me to rapidly iterate,
and find the optimal number of threads for the best performance.
<h2 class="distinct"> Results </h2>
I finished the project right before the deadline. This was my first time competing at
a hackathon, and the most code I had ever written in a 24 hour period. I was absolutely
exhausted, with no real idea of what to expect. I presented my project to the judges and
the other hackers at the event. The reception was incredibly positive, and I met many
brilliant people I stay in contact with to this day. My project won 2nd prize overall
at the event, for which I am extremely honored and greatful.