150 lines
2.8 KiB
150 lines
2.8 KiB
![]() |
[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/EXP-System-Dialog/Resource_EditorStory/EXP_EditorStory.gd" type="Script" id=1]
script = ExtResource( 1 )
TYPE = "EXP_Story_editor"
names = {
"Plains/Battle/Bandit": 6,
"Plains/Battle/Slime": 3,
"Sign/Village/West/Exit": 4,
"Village/Battle/Elder": 2,
"Village/Pot": 5,
"Village/Start": 1
story = {
1: {
"available_nid": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "Waking up in the sleepy starting village.",
"name": "Village/Start",
"nodes": {
2: {
"available_nid": [ ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "Village Elder - Battle Tutorial",
"name": "Village/Battle/Elder",
"nodes": {
3: {
"available_nid": [ ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "Slime Enemy - Trash Talk",
"name": "Plains/Battle/Slime",
"nodes": {
1: {
"graph_offset": Vector2( 200, 0 ),
"links": {
0: 2
"rect_size": Vector2( 324, 137 ),
"slot_amount": 1,
"text": "<start>",
"type": "line"
2: {
"graph_offset": Vector2( 400, 160 ),
"links": {
0: 3
"rect_size": Vector2( 324, 137 ),
"slot_amount": 1,
"text": "<speaker>Player</speaker>
<dialog>You don't look so tough!</dialog>",
"type": "line"
3: {
"graph_offset": Vector2( 600, 320 ),
"links": {
0: 4
"rect_size": Vector2( 324, 137 ),
"slot_amount": 1,
"text": "<speaker>Player</speaker>
<dialog>I'll turn you into breakfast jelly!!</dialog>",
"type": "line"
4: {
"graph_offset": Vector2( 800, 480 ),
"links": {
0: 5
"rect_size": Vector2( 324, 137 ),
"slot_amount": 1,
"text": "<speaker>Slime</speaker>
<dialog>Eating newbs like you is my jam!</dialog>",
"type": "line"
5: {
"graph_offset": Vector2( 1000, 640 ),
"links": {
"rect_size": Vector2( 324, 137 ),
"slot_amount": 1,
"text": "<end>",
"type": "line"
4: {
"available_nid": [ ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "Broken Signpost - Nemu Village - West Exit",
"name": "Sign/Village/West/Exit",
"nodes": {
5: {
"available_nid": [ ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "Suspicious looking pot - disembodied voice.",
"name": "Village/Pot",
"nodes": {
6: {
"available_nid": [ ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "Getting robbed by the bandit who sucks at being a bandit.",
"name": "Plains/Battle/Bandit",
"nodes": {
7: {
"available_nid": [ ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "New Dialog - Enter Human Readable Description.",
"nodes": {
8: {
"available_nid": [ ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "New Dialog - Enter Human Readable Description.",
"nodes": {
9: {
"available_nid": [ ],
"groups": [ ],
"human_readable_description": "New Dialog - Enter Human Readable Description.",
"nodes": {
available_dids = [ ]
groups = [ "Enemies", "Grasslands", "NPCs", "Nemu Village", "Signposts", "Spellbooks", "Tutorials" ]