# ---------------------------------------------- # ~{ GitHub Integration }~ # [Author] Nicolò "fenix" Santilio # [github] fenix-hub/godot-engine.github-integration # [version] 0.2.9 # [date] 09.13.2019 # ----------------------------------------------- tool extends Node # saves and loads user datas from custom folder in user://github_integration/user_data.ud var directory : String = "" var directory_name = "github_integration" var file_name = "user_data.ud" var avatar_name = "avatar.png" var USER : Dictionary # --- on the USER usage # login = username # avatar # id var AUTH : String var AVATAR : ImageTexture var TOKEN : String var MAIL : String var header : Array = [""] var gitlfs_header : Array = [""] var gitlfs_request : String = ".git/info/lfs/objects/batch" var plugin_version : String = "0.8.2" func _ready(): directory = ProjectSettings.globalize_path("user://").replace("app_userdata/"+ProjectSettings.get_setting('application/config/name')+"/",directory_name)+"/" func save(user : Dictionary, avatar : PoolByteArray, auth : String, token : String, mail : String) -> void: var dir = Directory.new() var file = File.new() var img = Image.new() if not dir.dir_exists(directory): dir.make_dir(directory) print("[GitHub Integration] >> ","made custom directory in user folder, it is placed at ", directory) if user!=null: var err = file.open_encrypted_with_pass(directory+file_name,File.WRITE,OS.get_unique_id()) USER = user AUTH = auth TOKEN = token MAIL = mail var formatting : PoolStringArray formatting.append(auth) #0 formatting.append(mail) #1 formatting.append(token) #2 formatting.append(JSON.print(user)) #3 formatting.append(plugin_version) #4 file.store_csv_line(formatting) file.close() print("[GitHub Integration] >> ","saved user datas in user folder") if avatar!=null: img.load_png_from_buffer(avatar) img.save_png(directory+avatar_name) print("[GitHub Integration] >> ","saved avatar in user folder") var av : Image = Image.new() av.load(directory+avatar_name) var img_text : ImageTexture = ImageTexture.new() img_text.create_from_image(av) AVATAR = img_text header = ["Authorization: token "+token] func load_user() -> PoolStringArray : directory = ProjectSettings.globalize_path("user://").replace("app_userdata/"+ProjectSettings.get_setting('application/config/name')+"/",directory_name)+"/" var file = File.new() var content : PoolStringArray print("[GitHub Integration] >> loading user profile, checking for existing logfile...") if file.file_exists(directory+file_name) : print("[GitHub Integration] >> ","logfile found, fetching datas..") file.open_encrypted_with_pass(directory+file_name,File.READ,OS.get_unique_id()) content = file.get_csv_line() if content.size() < 5: printerr("[GitHub Integration] >> ","this log file belongs to an older version of this plugin and will not support the mail/password login deprecation, so it will be deleted. Please, insert your credentials again.") file.close() var dir = Directory.new() dir.remove(directory+file_name) content = [] return content AUTH = content[0] MAIL = content[1] TOKEN = content[2] USER = JSON.parse(content[3]).result var av : Image = Image.new() av.load(directory+avatar_name) var img_text : ImageTexture = ImageTexture.new() img_text.create_from_image(av) AVATAR = img_text header = ["Authorization: token "+TOKEN] gitlfs_header = [ "Accept: application/vnd.git-lfs+json", "Content-Type: application/vnd.git-lfs+json"] gitlfs_header.append(header[0]) else: printerr("[GitHub Integration] >> ","no logfile found, log in for the first time to create a logfile.") return content