120 lines
3.1 KiB
120 lines
3.1 KiB
extends KinematicBody2D
signal grounded_updated(is_grounded)
signal health_updated(new_health)
signal energy_updated(new_energy)
var velocity = Vector2()
var input_direction: int = 0
var speed = 10 * 16
var gravity
var max_jump_velocity
var min_jump_velocity
var walljump_velocity
var max_jump_height = 2.75 * 16
var min_jump_height = 0.6 * 16
var walljump_height = 2.25 * 16
var jump_duration = 0.35
var is_grounded
var touching_wall = 0
onready var Spr: Sprite = $Sprite
onready var Occluder: LightOccluder2D = $Sprite/LightOccluder2D
onready var Anim: AnimationPlayer = $AnimationPlayer
onready var CoyoteTimer: Timer = $CoyoteTimer
onready var ShootDelay: Timer = $ShootDelay
onready var StateMachine: Node = $PlayerStateMachine
onready var WandPosition: Node2D = $WandPosition
onready var ProjectileSpawn: Node2D = $HoldPosition/ProjectileSpawn
onready var Inventory: CanvasLayer = $Inventory
onready var Stats = $Stats
onready var HitSound: AudioStreamPlayer2D = $"Enemy Hit"
onready var health = Stats.health setget set_health, get_health
onready var energy = Stats.energy setget set_energy, get_energy
func play_hitsound():
func get_current_conduit():
return Inventory.active_conduit
func get_current_projectile():
return Inventory.active_projectile
func get_type():
return "player"
func set_health(value):
emit_signal("health_updated", value)
func get_health():
return Stats.get_health()
func set_energy(value):
emit_signal("energy_updated", value)
func get_energy():
return Stats.get_energy()
func _ready():
gravity = 2 * max_jump_height / pow(jump_duration, 2)
max_jump_velocity = -sqrt(2 * gravity * max_jump_height)
min_jump_velocity = -sqrt(2 * gravity * min_jump_height)
walljump_velocity = -sqrt(2 * gravity * walljump_height)
func _physics_process(delta):
Player.position = global_position - Vector2(0, 10)
emit_signal("grounded_updated", is_on_floor())
if get_health() <= 0:
get_tree().change_scene("res://Title/Death Screen'.tscn")
func handle_move_input():
input_direction = int(Input.is_action_pressed("right")) - int(Input.is_action_pressed("left"))
velocity.x = lerp(velocity.x, speed * input_direction, get_movement_weight())
if input_direction > 0:
Spr.flip_h = false
Occluder.scale.x = 1
if input_direction < 0:
Spr.flip_h = true
Occluder.scale.x = -1
func jump():
velocity.y = max_jump_velocity
func apply_gravity(delta, modifier = 1):
velocity.y += gravity * delta * modifier
func apply_movement():
if velocity.x > -1 and velocity.x < 1:
velocity.x = 0
var was_on_floor = is_on_floor()
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2.UP)
if !is_on_floor() and was_on_floor and velocity.y >= 0:
if !was_on_floor and is_on_floor():
emit_signal("grounded_updated", is_on_floor())
var was_grounded = is_grounded
is_grounded = is_on_floor()
func get_movement_weight():
if is_on_floor():
return 0.2
return 0.07
func _on_Leap_body_entered(body):
$AnimationPlayer.play("Black Fade in")